Impact + Learning + Progress
Growth Ed offers professional learning designed to shift the focus from what teachers are teaching to what students are learning.

Taking the research and turning it into practice.
Professor John Hattie
His research, Visible Learning, is the culmination of more than 25 years of examining and synthesizing more than 2,100 meta-analyses comprising more than 132,000 studies involving 300 million students around the world.
Hattie wanted to understand which variables were the most important. Although “almost everything we do improves learning,” why not prioritize the ones that will have the greatest effect?
The research is captured in the Visible Learning MetaX, a research database, which offers unparalleled access to the most up-to-date Visible Learning research, interpretations, and analyses—making it possible to understand the research, adapt it to your unique context, and close the gap on the research of what works best for student achievement.

Benefits of Visible Learning
Improved student achievement and progress
Visible Learning can significantly enhance student progress and achievement by equipping educators with research-based insights into the most effective teaching and learning methods. By applying these evidence-based strategies, teachers can better meet the diverse needs of their students and foster a more conducive learning environment, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes.

Benefits of Visible Learning
Enhanced Teaching Pedagogy
Visible Learning enhances teaching strategies by providing educators with a wealth of research-backed insights into what works best in the classroom. By incorporating these evidence-based practices, teachers can refine their instructional methods, make more informed decisions, and ultimately become more effective educators.
Benefits of Visible Learning
Evidence-based Practices
Visible Learning promotes evidence-based practices by synthesizing extensive research to identify teaching strategies with the greatest impact on student learning. This framework equips educators with a clear understanding of which methods are most effective, enabling them to prioritize evidence over intuition and enhance the quality of education.

Benefits of Visible Learning
Data-driven Decision Making
Visible Learning facilitates data-driven decision-making in education by emphasising the importance of regularly monitoring student progress and using assessment data to inform instruction. Educators who embrace this approach can make more informed choices about student learning, tailoring their strategies to meet the specific needs of their students and ultimately improving outcomes.
Why Visible Learning?
The Visible Learning+ Whole School Implementation service will grow your organisation, accelerating the process of individual and whole-school growth, building the capacity of: learners to learn, teachers to teach, leaders to lead and systems to improve.

Focusses on diagnosis, intervention, implementation and evaluation
Employs a practical inquiry framework for questioning the effect on student achievement
Aligns systems and processes
Utilizes evidence to empower leaders to confidently guide learning
Strengthens evaluation and impact

Classroom practice is guided by the insights gained from impact data at every level.
The implementation of high-impact strategies is ensured through professional inquiry.
Teachers receive feedback on areas to prioritise for improvement, based on student learning outcomes.

Brings clarity to the three big questions: Where am I going? How am I doing? Where to next?
Develops an understanding of the learning process and strategies’
Encourages a thirst for learning, equipping them to embrace challenge, learn from error, seek feedback and have ownership of the learning process